It's very hard for me to express to you how powerfully you impose
your structure upon the conversation.
Are you saying that your don't think that your human brain imposes a
reductive structure upon your perception of reality? Are you saying that
"falsifiiability" isn't a filter than excludes information? Do you think that
everything is theoretically knowable by humans?
I hope we can get to the bottom of this. Whenever we talk about these
things I feel like I'm on a playing field where my entire way of thinking is
ruled out.
Why are you so invested in determinism?
I think we should try to stick with this friction and try to understand
what it's about.
My experience of science is from reading innumerable abstracts from
scientific research on psychiatric drugs, nutrition and health hazards, (medical
science) from being an object of science, from undergoing physical harm from
science, from watching others undergo physical harm, and most recently seeing
geoengineers propose to fuck with the atmosphere, which will be the next horror.
I think geoengineering is the scariest thing I've encountered so far, and I
think it will be promoted by people like Obama. It's the ultimate Business as
What is your response about the fermi paradox? why would other life forms
be involved in our technologies and aspirations?
What is it that you object to in terms of what I'm saying about Buddhism
and becoming aware of ego-centric assumptions? Is not the shifting baseline an
egocentric assumption that is delusional?
There's a way that our arguments make no contact. This means that we have
entirely different paradigms, if we don't even make sense to each other.
By the way, I really like jeremy Jackson, he reminds me of Jay, and I enjoy
his sarcasm, he's very sweet in a way...
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